Watch people’s eyes light up as they recall the games they played when growing up. What were your favourite games? Were they unique to where you lived? Called the same across the land.
We are on an ongoing quest to explore the games once played, the freedoms once enjoyed and connect people with generations growing up now. How do we ensure all ages get to play, roam, get fresh air and independence?
With support from Creative England we have been conducting research and exploring ways to capture stories of favourite games. We’re going to be in Leeds City Centre Wednesday 27th February filming people, young and old, as they recreate games they used to play.
If you ‘re about we’d love it if you could join us. 10.30am -12.30pm in Park Square and 2pm to 4pm at The Tetley. We’ll be following this up with visits to community centres and with partner organisations. Do let us know if you’d like to be involved as we progress
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