Catalysing creativity, connectivity and conviviality with people, in places.


Support families to get online and connected during Lockdown

Playful Anywhere have joined forces with others to create Digital Access West Yorkshire to help get much needed devices into the hands of families struggling during lockdown.

We need more good quality devices to donate Can you or your business/organisation help?

We have a team of volunteers ready to help wipe them of data and get them ready for the next recipients.

Saturday and Sunday 11-12pm you can drop devices at Hyde Park Book Club LEEDS. Read more about the way to do this here

If this is really hard for you to drop them down, to do then let us know as there may be other ways we can get the machines from you.

We also have an ongoing crowdfunder which helps us to buy data plans, parts and maintain a safe environment for the volunteer technicians.

We can work with redistributing good quality devices quickly, and spend a little more time with the older kit which requires a bit more love

Please share with your friends, colleagues, suppliers, networks.

More on the website

Head Teacher Chris Dyson talks about the need for families in Leeds

Community Arts Organisation Fall into Place on the impact for the families they work with.

Can you help?

Emma Bearman